Explanation of the Isothermal Annealing

Isothermal Annealing

Isothermal annealing, is a secondary process under full annealing.  It is mostly used for ferrous material. Ferrous materials are objects that have lots of iron in them and are strongly magnetic most of the time. Magnetic properties can vary upon the iron and steel that is created. High chromium stainless steels are non- magnetic. Pure iron tends to be highly magnetic. Most ferrous metals have a high carbon content with can make them susceptible to rust.  Most ferrous metals are used for motor and electrical applications, and normally are steel types.

Isothermal annealing is similar to full annealing but has different temperatures. Isothermal annealing is heated to full annealing temperatures, 1526°F to 1742°. The difference between the temperatures is due to the different types of elements found in the materials. These high temperatures allow for structures to change. From here, the material is then cooled slowly to temperatures reaching 1112°F-1292°F. These temperatures are maintained constantly for a specific time to produce a uniform crystal structure. The constant reduction reduces gradient issues.
